Panther Nation

Panther Nation

Panther Nation serves as our family, teacher, student, and community booster organization. Every family is inherently part of our fold, yet we invite you to actively engage and contribute to our flourishing community! Our aim at Panther Nation is to foster stronger bonds between school and home by promoting improved communication, collaboration, and engagement while catering to the academic and extracurricular needs of our students.

Join us the second Wednesday of every month in the library for our monthly meetings and discover ways to participate in the upcoming 24-25 school year!

For more information on Panther Nation, check out our Facebook page or reach out to Panther Nation's President, Kim Maxwell, via email: [email protected]

Upcoming Meetings
Join us August 14th @ 7 PM in the MHS Library

Upcoming Events
September 28: Panther Bazaar @ Mehlville High
November 15: Trivia Night

2024 - 2025 Meeting Schedule
8/14, 9/11, 10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8/25, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14

The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].